Digital Tapestries - Who and what we are

Greetings, and welcome to Digital Tapestries, the home of beautiful, totally free graphics, and a group of extremely talented and friendly artisans.

Weaving a better web for you!

Digital Tapestries is an amalgamation of my previous graphics site, Cathedral Graphics, and Digital Tapestries. As well as providing absolutely free, no strings attached web graphics, my aim is also to offer support, encouragement, and friendly advice for all active artisans, male or female, no matter what artistic field they're involved in.

Please feel free to read and post in the Forum, the central pivot of Digital Tapestries.  It is not restricted solely to those involved in artistic fields - it is open to anyone who wishes to Register (Sign Up), and it is hoped that it will be a place of sharing and learning, as well as a lot of fun.  

Please enjoy!


Digital Tapestries Site Map

The Introduction - this page...
"And I Said" - My feelings and comments on LTUAE
The Graphics - My own "personal"area
IncrediMail Letters - beautiful free stationery for Incredimail
Incredimail Skins - NEW! pretty new skins for Incredimail Premium !NEW
The Message Board - for fun and the friendly exchange of ideas & techniques.
The Resources - a listing of friendly & helpful sites & good programs/utilities
The Downloads - a grab bag of free goodies from me to all of you



Introduction | Graphics | Resources | Message Board | Downloads | Contact | WinterHome




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